Fixed Rate
Nonrenewable (Carbon/Renewable Mix)
Plan Details
Offering the same benefits as our most popular residential electricity plan, but with a longer contract length, the Champ Saver-24 plan lets you lock-in a fixed energy rate for a full two years (24 months).
$50 in Free LEDs
- LEDs save energy, last longer, and produce less heat, helping you reduce your electricity bills.
- Within 8 weeks of your enrollment or renewal, you will receive a single-use coupon code to redeem online.
- LEDs available include: Standard LED, LED Floods and Decorative LEDs
- Prices are discounted 10-40% from retail, with $7 flat rate shipping on orders over $25
- Your account must be active and in good standing at the time of fulfillment.
$50 Thermostat Rebate
- Champion Energy wants to help you lower your electricity bill by upgrading your home to a "smart" thermostat.
- Buy an eligible smart thermostat. See details here.
- We will send you a $50 VISA rewards card within 6 weeks of receiving proof of purchase.
This Plan is Right for:
- Those looking for long term security
- Residents who do not want to deal with frequent changes to their energy rate
- People with Solar Panels or looking to install panels; this plan is Solar Buyback Included to earn credits for surplus generation
Solar Buyback Included
- Monthly credits applied for customers with solar panels that generate surplus power
- No additional action needed, automatically applied when your panels start adding power to the grid.
- Solar credits are based on wholesale pricing, which is set by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). See current pricing here
Key Benefits:
- 24 months with a fixed energy rate
- Free, 24/7 customer care
- Weekly Smart Track usage reports
- Online account management
- No monthly fee or minimum usage level
- Connect-A-Friend referral program
(Earn bill credits for customer referrals) - Automatic renewal reminders
- Sign up is simple
(We handle all the details)
Plan Documents
Estimated Rate Based on Monthly kWh Usage
Estimated Rate Based on Monthly kWh Usage
If you consume fewer kWh than your plan's target kWh usage, your price will increase!
500 kWh
1000 kWh
2000 kWh

Thank You For Shopping Our Electricity Plans!
Thank you for shopping electricity rates and electricity plans with Electricity One. Before exercising your power to choose or electric choice option, please take a moment to review the following links: the Electricity Facts Label, Terms of Service, and Your Rights As A Customer. We also offer prepaid electricity or pay-as you-go power options if needed. We have the cheapest electricity and cheapest prepaid electricity in Texas.